Confusable Words MCQ (Questions and Answers)

Confusable Words MCQ (Questions and Answers) | English Grammer Multiple Choice Questions regarding Confusable Words | 

Q. 1. Which word is correctly spelt.

(A) truely
(B) duly
(C) wholely
(D) aweful

Q. 2. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Saperate
(B) seprate
(C) seperate
(D) Separate

Q. 3. Pick up the word with the correct spelling out of the four words given below.

(A) mesanger
(B) messanger
(C) massenger
(D) messenger

Q. 4. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Restaurant
(B) Restaurent
(C) Restorent
(D) none of these

Q. 5. Pick up the word with the correct spelling ou of the four words given below.

(A) Benglow
(B) Bunglow
(C) Binglow
(D) Bungalow

Q. 6. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Reciept
(B) Riceipt
(C) Receipt
(D) Reccep

Q. 7. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Rejevanation
(B) Rejvenation
(C) Rejuvenation
(D) Rejuenation

Q. 8. Four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt.

(A) Hippopatemus
(B) Hippopotomous
(C) Hipopotamus
(D) Hippopotamus

Q. 9. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Priviledge
(B) privalege
(C) Prevelege
(D) Privilege

Q. 10. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Souvenir
(B) Suvenir
(C) Suvenior
(D) Sovenir

Q. 11. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Adolescent
(B) Adalosent
(C) Adolascent
(D) Adaloscent

Q. 12. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Acquaintance
(B) Acquaintence
(C) Acquintance
(D) Acquiantance

Q. 13. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Diminutiv
(B) Diminuitive
(C) Diminutive
(D) Dimenutive

Q. 14. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Diffuse
(B) Difusse
(C) Difuse
(D) Diffusse

Q. 15. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Determinasion
(B) Determination
(C) Detirmination
(D) Detrmination

Q. 16. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Duration
(B) Electrisity
(C) Economicel
(D) Dustur

Q. 17. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Desiccation
(B) Desiccasion
(C) Dessication
(D) Deziccation

Q. 18. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Definitely
(B) Definitley
(C) Definately
(D) Defintely

Q. 19. Choose the word with the correct spelling.

(A) Division
(B) Decision
(C) Dicishon
(D) Decesion

Q. 20. Which of the following is correctly spelt?

(A) Accommodation
(B) Accomodation
(C) Acommodation
(D) Acomodation

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