Confusable Words MCQ (Questions and Answers) | English Grammer Multiple Choice Questions regarding Confusable Words |
Q. 1. Which word is correctly spelt.
(A) truely
(B) duly
(C) wholely
(D) aweful
Answer:-(c) duly
Q. 2. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Saperate
(B) seprate
(C) seperate
(D) Separate
Answer:-(d) Separate
Q. 3. Pick up the word with the correct spelling out of the four words given below.
(A) mesanger
(B) messanger
(C) massenger
(D) messenger
Answer:-(d) messenger
Q. 4. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Restaurant
(B) Restaurent
(C) Restorent
(D) none of these
Answer:-(a) Restaurant
Q. 5. Pick up the word with the correct spelling ou of the four words given below.
(A) Benglow
(B) Bunglow
(C) Binglow
(D) Bungalow
Answer:-(d) Bungalow
Q. 6. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Reciept
(B) Riceipt
(C) Receipt
(D) Reccep
Answer:-(c) Receipt
Q. 7. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Rejevanation
(B) Rejvenation
(C) Rejuvenation
(D) Rejuenation
Answer:-(c) Rejuvenation
Q. 8. Four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt.
(A) Hippopatemus
(B) Hippopotomous
(C) Hipopotamus
(D) Hippopotamus
Answer:-(d) Hippopotamus
Q. 9. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Priviledge
(B) privalege
(C) Prevelege
(D) Privilege
Answer:-(d) Privilege
Q. 10. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Souvenir
(B) Suvenir
(C) Suvenior
(D) Sovenir
Answer:-(a) Souvenir
Q. 11. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Adolescent
(B) Adalosent
(C) Adolascent
(D) Adaloscent
Answer:-(a) Adolescent
Q. 12. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Acquaintance
(B) Acquaintence
(C) Acquintance
(D) Acquiantance
Answer:-(a) Acquaintance
Q. 13. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Diminutiv
(B) Diminuitive
(C) Diminutive
(D) Dimenutive
Answer:-(c) Diminutive
Q. 14. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Diffuse
(B) Difusse
(C) Difuse
(D) Diffusse
Answer:-(a) Diffuse
Q. 15. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Determinasion
(B) Determination
(C) Detirmination
(D) Detrmination
Answer:-(b) Determination
Q. 16. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Duration
(B) Electrisity
(C) Economicel
(D) Dustur
Answer:-(a) Duration
Q. 17. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Desiccation
(B) Desiccasion
(C) Dessication
(D) Deziccation
Answer:-(a) Desiccation
Q. 18. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Definitely
(B) Definitley
(C) Definately
(D) Defintely
Answer:-(a) Definitely
Q. 19. Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) Division
(B) Decision
(C) Dicishon
(D) Decesion
Answer:-(b) Decision
Q. 20. Which of the following is correctly spelt?
(A) Accommodation
(B) Accomodation
(C) Acommodation
(D) Acomodation
Answer:-(a) Accommodation